Fish and Kale Recipe - An Easy, Healthy, Garden inspired Dish.

Fish and Kale Recipe - An Easy, Healthy, Garden inspired Dish.
Fish and Kale Recipe - An Easy, Healthy, Garden inspired Dish.
Title : Fish and Kale Recipe - An Easy, Healthy, Garden inspired Dish.
Duration : 10:49
Channel : Ask Chef Tony
Label : Italian, cuisine, kitchen, home, fish, kale, healthy, vegetables, seafood, brain, food, chef, tony, video, tutorial, recipes, tips, garden, creative, cooking, cook, flounder, dish, macadamia, currants
Fish and Kale Recipe - An Easy, Healthy, Garden inspired Dish.
Fish and Kale Recipe - An Easy, Healthy, Garden inspired Dish.
Fish and Kale Recipe - An Easy, Healthy, Garden inspired Dish.
Fish and Kale Recipe - An Easy, Healthy, Garden inspired Dish.

Fish is a great source of Omega 3 and kale is full of goodness for your brain and body as well… and they are also delicious together. In this episode, Tony puts a little bit of his intuition and creativity to work in bringing this dish to life. By adding some other ingredients such as currants and macadamia nuts, we bring the dish up another notch in flavor. This dish was thought up the same morning as he looked at his garden and saw the abundance of kale.

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