Spain: Athletic Bilbao fans show antifascist solidarity with Donetsk

Spain: Athletic Bilbao fans show antifascist solidarity with Donetsk
Spain: Athletic Bilbao fans show antifascist solidarity with Donetsk
Title : Spain: Athletic Bilbao fans show antifascist solidarity with Donetsk
Duration : 01:16
Channel : Ruptly TV
Label : news, ruptly, Athletic Bilbao, Shakhtar Donetsk, Bilbao, Spain, Ukraine crisis, Ukraine conflict, Donbass, Donetsk
Spain: Athletic Bilbao fans show antifascist solidarity with Donetsk
Spain: Athletic Bilbao fans show antifascist solidarity with Donetsk
Spain: Athletic Bilbao fans show antifascist solidarity with Donetsk
Spain: Athletic Bilbao fans show antifascist solidarity with Donetsk

Video ID: 20140917-053 W/S Anti-fascist banner M/S Anti-fascist solidarity stand W/S People entering building M/S People inside local bar SOT, Event organiser (in English): "We support the antifascists in Ukraine because right now they are an example of the class struggle in Europe. There is a fight against the financial oligarchy which is backed by the USA. We claim the antifascist solidarity because it is the working class which is fighting against the bourgeoisie. The fight that is taking place in Donbass has a lot of similarities with the Spanish Civil War. We as working people make a call to all workers in the world in order to support the eastern Ukrainian people and an example of this solidarity is the market we have organised to send money to Novorrossia and the demonstration we are having this afternoon before the match between Athletic and Shakhtar Donetsk." W/S Event attenders around anti-fascist banner SCRIPT Dozens of activists and football fans attended an event organised in solidarity with the people of Donetsk before the match between Athletic Bilbao and Shakhtar Donetsk in Bilbao, Wednesday. The antifascist event was organised by a committee for solidarity with the people of Donetsk in collaboration with the fan group of Athletic Bilbao, Herri Norte. Organisers said revenue generated at a market inside the event will be sent to the Donbass region. Facebook: Twitter: LiveLeak: Google Plus: Instagram: YouTube: DailyMotion: Video on Demand:

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