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JURASSIC PARK: T Rex Test CG dinosaur animation and compositing (tutorial making of) |
Title : JURASSIC PARK: T Rex Test CG dinosaur animation and compositing (tutorial making of)
Duration : 04:53
Channel : lillolodi
Label : turbosquid, compositing, green, screen, post, production, making, of, tutorial, dinosaur, rex, tirannosaur, tirannosauro, dinosauro, 3d, studio, max, 3ds, after, effects, ae, animation, CGI, cg, jurassic, park
Duration : 04:53
Channel : lillolodi
Label : turbosquid, compositing, green, screen, post, production, making, of, tutorial, dinosaur, rex, tirannosaur, tirannosauro, dinosauro, 3d, studio, max, 3ds, after, effects, ae, animation, CGI, cg, jurassic, park
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JURASSIC PARK: T Rex Test CG dinosaur animation and compositing (tutorial making of) |
Un nuovo video per tutti gli appassionati dei film di Jurassic Park e delle tecniche CGI. Il video mostra ogni fase della creazione di un filmato con un dinosauro digitale, dal modello statico alla composizione, dal keyframe all'interpolazione; passo passo il video spiega i segreti e i passaggi della post production per fare un filmato con dinosauri. Il tirannosauro è stato comprato sul sito turbosquid. Softwares: After Effects 3D Studio Max Spero sarà di vostro gradimento. Buona visione! A new video for the fans of Jurassic Park dinosaur and CGI technique. In this video you can see every step of the creation of a movie with digital dinosaur, from the static model to the compositing, from keyframe animation to the interpolation; step by step the video explain the secrets and the passages of post production for making a dinosaurs movie. The Tirannosaur was bought on turbosquid web site. Softwares: After Effects 3D Studio Max I hope you like this video. Enjoy it!