[ITA] Laravel Tutorial PHP Completo - Migrations and Seeding - 4/10 |
Title : [ITA] Laravel Tutorial PHP Completo - Migrations and Seeding - 4/10
Duration : 17:41
Channel : WebYourMind
Label : PHP (Programming Language), Laravel (Software), Tutorial (Media Genre), Software (Industry), Laravel 4
Duration : 17:41
Channel : WebYourMind
Label : PHP (Programming Language), Laravel (Software), Tutorial (Media Genre), Software (Industry), Laravel 4
[ITA] Laravel Tutorial PHP Completo - Migrations and Seeding - 4/10 |
Con questo video vedremo come creare delle migrazioni usando il tool artisan fornito con Laravel 4 e poi popoleremo le tabelle usando i seeding. Se volete imparare tutto ciò che da sapere su questo favoloso Framework PHP, questo è il punto da cui partire. Enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/wymtuts?sub_confirmation=1 Find us on: Website: http://www.webyourmind.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/webyourmindagency Twitter: https://twitter.com/WebYourMind Google+: https://www.google.com/+WebyourmindAgency