OpenCV Face Detection with Raspberry Pi - Robotics with Python p.7

OpenCV Face Detection with Raspberry Pi - Robotics with Python p.7
OpenCV Face Detection with Raspberry Pi - Robotics with Python p.7
Title : OpenCV Face Detection with Raspberry Pi - Robotics with Python p.7
Duration : 22:09
Channel : sentdex
Label : OpenCV (Software), Face Detection, Python (Programming Language), Raspberry Pi (Computer), Robot, facial recognition
OpenCV Face Detection with Raspberry Pi - Robotics with Python p.7
OpenCV Face Detection with Raspberry Pi - Robotics with Python p.7
OpenCV Face Detection with Raspberry Pi - Robotics with Python p.7
OpenCV Face Detection with Raspberry Pi - Robotics with Python p.7

Next, we're going to touch on using OpenCV with the Raspberry Pi's camera, giving our robot the gift of sight. There are many steps involved to this process, so there's a lot that is about to be thrown your way. If at any point you're stuck/lost/whatever, feel free to ask questions on the video and I will try to help where possible. There are a lot of moving parts here. If all else fails, I have hosted my Raspberry Pi image: OpenCV stands for Open Computer Vision, and it is an open source computer vision and machine learning library. To start, you will need to get OpenCV on to your Raspberry Pi. Keep in mind, the "make" part of this tutorial will take 9-10 hours on a Raspberry Pi Model B+. The Raspberry Pi 2 will do it in more like 2-4 hours. Either way, it will take a while. I just did it overnight one night. Text-based version and sample code:

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