Heart Healthy Drink Fights Heart Disease

Heart Healthy Drink Fights Heart Disease
Heart Healthy Drink Fights Heart Disease
Title : Heart Healthy Drink Fights Heart Disease
Duration : 02:11
Channel : Rutgers Today
Label : Heart Juice, Heart, Health, Drink, Natural, Medical, Medicine, Hawthorn Berry, Hawthorn, Resveratrol, Trans Resveratrol, Heart Healthy, Food, Heart Disease, Awareness, Rutgers, Business, Small Business, Business Plan Competition, Prize, Cash Prize, Winner, Organic, Remedy, Contest, Rutgers Newark, Rutgers Business School
Heart Healthy Drink Fights Heart Disease
Heart Healthy Drink Fights Heart Disease
Heart Healthy Drink Fights Heart Disease
Heart Healthy Drink Fights Heart Disease

Heart Juice is the first drink in the United States aimed at promoting awareness of heart health. The idea came to Ray Li, a 2011 Rutgers alum from the School of Arts and Sciences, after one of his professors at Rutgers University had a heart attack. Li took his idea to produce a heart healthy drink and partnered with his friend John Vitug to create Heart Juice. The two went on to win the Rutgers Business Plan Competition which provided them with the start-up capital needed to launch the business as well as expand the line from a single flavor to three. What makes the drink unique is its proprietary mix of Hawthorn berry extract and resveratrol. Hawthorn berries are believed to help reduce blood pressure and ease angina while strengthening the heart muscle. According to the Mayo Clinic, resveratrol might be a key ingredient in red wine that helps prevent damage to blood vessels, reduces "bad" cholesterol and prevents blood clots. For more information on Heart Juice, visit their website here: http://www.heartjuice.com For more information about the Rutgers Business Plan competition: http://www.business.rutgers.edu/myrbs/bplan Check out the Rutgers Today news website - http://www.rutgerstoday.rutgers.edu Connect with us on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/RutgersU Follow us on Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/RutgersU

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