Tutorial: Using the iPad and Garageband for recording

Tutorial: Using the iPad and Garageband for recording
Tutorial: Using the iPad and Garageband for recording
Title : Tutorial: Using the iPad and Garageband for recording
Duration : 07:21
Channel : JesseTinsley
Label : ipad, recording, garageband, tascam ixz, hawaiian music
Tutorial: Using the iPad and Garageband for recording
Tutorial: Using the iPad and Garageband for recording
Tutorial: Using the iPad and Garageband for recording
Tutorial: Using the iPad and Garageband for recording

I swore I would never get an iPad, but my wife bought me one for Christmas and I am very happy with it. Garageband for iPad ($5) is a scaled down version of the one for Mac, but is very easy to use. Paired with a simple interface, I can record a track and a time up to five or six tracks, at which point playback becomes problematic. I don't think that the ipad version puts out files with the same bitrate or sampling rate as a high-end system, but it's fun to play around with. Post questions below if you have them.

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